Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Words by Mr. Suresh Anand

abandonedகைவிடப்பட்டTo withdraw one's support or help from
slammedTo shut with force and loud noise
massiveமாபெரும் , பெருத்த Consisting of or making up a large mass; bulky, heavy, and solid
soulmateநண்பர் , துணைOne of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity.
agonyசோதனை,வேதனைThe suffering of intense physical or mental pain
Extreme physical or mental suffering
slenderஒடுங்கிய் மென்மையானHaving little width in proportion to height or length; long and thin
perplexகுழப்பம்To confuse or trouble with uncertainty or doubt
parable storiesநீதிக்கதைA simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.

Suresh Anand

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